VACATION is proudly located in the Tenderloin Neighborhood of San Francisco.
From the Tenderloin Museum- "The Tenderloin neighborhood is one of the most misunderstood and maligned in San Francisco, with a rich, complex history that remains undiscovered by most residents. At the same time, the Tenderloin is one of the few affordable places left in the city, home to one of it's highest populations of low and moderate-income people and a diverse "melting pot" of people from around the world. "
We hope your visit to VACATION leaves you with a smile, and a positive experience to take with you from our special part of San Francisco.
Sometimes you have to look deeper than the surface to see the true beauty, and this sums up the Tenderloin perfectly.
VACATION has a long standing tradition of donating a portion of sales to hyper local non-profits in our beloved neighborhood, below is a list of Organizations that are doing incredible work.